Today is Chris's birthday. He is an old man of 26 years. No wonder he's bald.
In case you missed the last time I posted this, or just forgot about it, an easy way to wish Chris a happy birthday is to click this link: and sign up for a trial of something. (For example, you can sign up for a trial of Blockbuster's mail-in-DVD service, at a cheaper rate). Just make sure you don't use your primary e-mail address. Go sign up for a Yahoo account or something and use that, because you will get spam mail from it (but you HAVE to use a real email address). In case you're thinking "Oh, I'm sure someone else will do this for him..." no one else has, other than Chris's brother, and Shane. So go ahead and click the link and make my hubby very happy.
Oh. Duh. I said I'd be nice and do that. Then I forgot to sign up for a Yahoo e-mail address. I'll get to that tomorrow at work. Please don't hate me.
26 is not old ... is it? ::wimpers::
by the way, really does work. i know a guy that got a free ipod from it. thats for all you cynics out there.
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