August 23, 2007

Blog to Email

You will notice a new option to your left where you can input your email address, and have new posts send to your email inbox. This is because Emily asked for it, not because I really think you all want to be notified immediately every time I feel like posting something. Although if you DO want to be notified immediately every time I have something to say, putting your email address in the box and hitting Subscribe would be the thing to do.

It's important to know that you have to subscribe to my posts & Chris's posts separately. So if you wanna know what we BOTH think, you have to put your email address in here AND on Chris's blog page.

Oh yeah, I'll eventually post photos of our awesome new apartment... but we need to get it just a little cleaner first. I'm sure Chris will eventually get some awesome pictures of it with his new camera.

August 11, 2007

It's Moving Day!

It's finally here! Today, Chris & I move into our new apartment, with the help of a bunch of awesome friends who will be braving the 100 degree heat with us to help us get all of our stuff in our apartment. (We will be bribing them with food and beer, but come on, is that really enticing enough to move things in 100 degree heat? We've just been blessed with awesome friends).

August 07, 2007

Radio Lab

Have I told you yet how addicted I am to Radio Lab podcasts? I might just love it more than This American Life, for starters. This show is FANTASTIC. But they're limited run, so there's only 15 of them so far over three years, and, um, I've already listed to half of them. So before long I'll be going through withdrawal. I learn so many great and interested things. Tonight I made Chris listen to one on music, which he actually admitted to liking (Chris doesn't do talk radio) and then I proceeded to talk his ear off about the other two or so of them that I listened to today. Every episode I learn something fascinating that I have to tell Chris all about. He humors me. I think it's just great. Good times. Go listen. You will be happy you did.

In other news, we move into our apartment on SATURDAY! I cannot tell you how excited I am. Being in Atlanta Proper will make all things better and easier and waste much less gas. And it will be nice to have all my clothes again. And my bed. Oh, two months without my bed has taken such a toll on my body... I ache in ways I haven't ached since... since before we bought our fantastic bed. Blech.

Other things I can rave about Atlanta... West Egg cafe's black bean cakes, R. Thomas's quinoa bowls, and the pastor at Trinity Vineyard. Complaints - it's super muggy hot (but come on, I'm from Florida, it's not like it's WORSE but it still sucks a lot), and a smog alert level of Unhealthy today in metro ATL. Boo for toxic air.

But I digress. Where was I? Oh yeah, Radio Lab rocks. Listen to any episode and then tell me how right I was. Go ahead, I'm waiting.

August 01, 2007

drive-by Christians

I wish more Christians would realize that handing out tracts is not ministering to anyone's heart or actually converting people. Where exactly in the bible does Jesus command us to make disciples by handing people little pamphlets that break down God's love into tiny impersonal bullet points?

This blog post comes from this comic which, along with her blog post below, is what I would assume to be a pretty fair assessment of how a lot of people feel when they get one of these... if they actually read it, that is. The thing that really bugs me is that this is obviously someone this girl WORKS with who has decided the best way to minister to her is by sneaking pamphlets on her desk. I mean... really?