June 28, 2008

Jaime's Phoenix

Not a lot of exciting things going on, but I do have a new amigurumi to show you. This is a phoenix I crocheted for Jaime's birthday.

June 21, 2008

New Look!

So I just got really tired of having the old look up on the site, and of having such a small area to post, so photos and video couldn't be very big. And that design had just been up for years. And I was feeling kind of restless and needed to do something different that wasn't work-related. So here ya go. Did it last night and finished it up today. I think it will stick around for a while.

The reason I had to change the actual URLs for our blogs was so that we could use the new Blogger features that weren't around years and years ago when I first set up the site with these blogs. Now blogger is hosting them so that we can use the widget madness. Hooray for widgets!

Kudos to The Chris for helping me with picking out photos for the pages and for checking layouts in IE 7 while I was on my mac using Firefox. Some pages may be funky in IE6 but... well, in the real world I care about that, but on my blog I really don't care that much. You guys are too cool to be using such an outdated web browser anyways. Especially when you can download Firefox for free, even if there's some reason why you have to be on a PC and don't have IE7, like half the state of Georgia.

And that's all I have to say about that.

June 20, 2008

restless and transition

i am restless. and so i'm thinking of redesigning this site and making some domain name adjustments so i can take advantage of some of the cool new features blogger offers, that i can't use with the way i've got it set up right now. that means i may not be able to post for a while until i get it all changed out. we'll see how it goes. If at any point your bookmarks or RSS feed or whatever gets weird for this page, try going straight to youarenotyourjob.com and click new links to get back.

June 15, 2008

luisa's bat

K-dawg emailed me and told me I needed to blog. And I've got a bit of downtime tonight hanging out in Lakeland, so I figured now was a good time.

This is the bat I made for my friend Luisa's 30th birthday. We stopped by to see her on Friday the 13th on our way down to Florida for a wedding.

luisa's bat

Luisa used to work at the Luby Foundation outside Gainesville, Florida, where they housed a lot of bats. One time she took me and Tiffany on a tour and we had a blast. Here are some video and photos from our trip... 6 or 7 years ago.

fox bat

dog bat

dog bat

June 12, 2008

food update

so since i'm up and on blogger anyways, I may as well post a food allergy update. I'm not eating gluten, nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant), or anything with obvious corn in it (corn, corn flower, corn syrup). I've been feeling much better, which is exciting. I am not as tired in general (as evidenced from not being able to sleep tonight?), and not nearly as achy. I've pretty much figured out how to handle restaurants, including frequenting my most favorite Doc Chey's where the manager will watch the line cooks if necessary to make sure nothing contaminates the food. (I love Doc Chey's!!). After this busy weekend, I will probably re-introduce tomatoes and peppers, to see if those really bother me or if it's just potatoes. I'm not certain about the corn thing, but I think I get an upset stomach when I have corn, so I'm staying away for a while. I'm pretty excited to be figuring these things out, and I'm especially excited to realize that I don't feel so exhausted and cranky all the time anymore.

Hooray for discovering food intolerances!

electricity vampires and sleep deprivation

I cannot sleep. I don't really know why. Sure, I had a half-caff americano around 5pm, but should that really keep me up at 5am? I've been tossing and turning for 5 hours! So I finally gave up and just got up to stare at the glowing laptop screen. Today will be a tough work day. Not to mention Brooke hooked us up with free tix to a midnight screening of The Happening for tonight. Ouch.

So Chris sends me emails full of links to interesting things sometimes, and when I have a few free minutes I'll go thru them. But I've been really busy at work, so they are backing up and I've got about 7 emails of 2-8 links each that i haven't looked at. So I decided to check some of them out, and I found one I wanted to make sure everyone knew about.

Did you realize that your phone charger is still sucking power even when your phone isn't plugged into it? Same with your laptop even when it's got a full battery? I don't understand this concept AT ALL. What can my cell charger possibly be doing with that power if it's not going into a phone? Regardless, this is resulting in a lot of wasted money and greenhouse emissions. We are going to start trying to remember to unplug things whenever we aren't using them, but there are some sites that have other tips for reducing these electricity vampires.