June 12, 2008

food update

so since i'm up and on blogger anyways, I may as well post a food allergy update. I'm not eating gluten, nightshades (potatoes, tomatoes, peppers, eggplant), or anything with obvious corn in it (corn, corn flower, corn syrup). I've been feeling much better, which is exciting. I am not as tired in general (as evidenced from not being able to sleep tonight?), and not nearly as achy. I've pretty much figured out how to handle restaurants, including frequenting my most favorite Doc Chey's where the manager will watch the line cooks if necessary to make sure nothing contaminates the food. (I love Doc Chey's!!). After this busy weekend, I will probably re-introduce tomatoes and peppers, to see if those really bother me or if it's just potatoes. I'm not certain about the corn thing, but I think I get an upset stomach when I have corn, so I'm staying away for a while. I'm pretty excited to be figuring these things out, and I'm especially excited to realize that I don't feel so exhausted and cranky all the time anymore.

Hooray for discovering food intolerances!

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