June 12, 2008

electricity vampires and sleep deprivation

I cannot sleep. I don't really know why. Sure, I had a half-caff americano around 5pm, but should that really keep me up at 5am? I've been tossing and turning for 5 hours! So I finally gave up and just got up to stare at the glowing laptop screen. Today will be a tough work day. Not to mention Brooke hooked us up with free tix to a midnight screening of The Happening for tonight. Ouch.

So Chris sends me emails full of links to interesting things sometimes, and when I have a few free minutes I'll go thru them. But I've been really busy at work, so they are backing up and I've got about 7 emails of 2-8 links each that i haven't looked at. So I decided to check some of them out, and I found one I wanted to make sure everyone knew about.

Did you realize that your phone charger is still sucking power even when your phone isn't plugged into it? Same with your laptop even when it's got a full battery? I don't understand this concept AT ALL. What can my cell charger possibly be doing with that power if it's not going into a phone? Regardless, this is resulting in a lot of wasted money and greenhouse emissions. We are going to start trying to remember to unplug things whenever we aren't using them, but there are some sites that have other tips for reducing these electricity vampires.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The only thing I leave plugged in is my alarm clock. Even the TV comes unplugged. I keep the DVD, VCR, TV etc all plugged into a powerstrip so its just one cord to unplug. Anything with a light or that displays a time gets unplugged.