August 01, 2007

drive-by Christians

I wish more Christians would realize that handing out tracts is not ministering to anyone's heart or actually converting people. Where exactly in the bible does Jesus command us to make disciples by handing people little pamphlets that break down God's love into tiny impersonal bullet points?

This blog post comes from this comic which, along with her blog post below, is what I would assume to be a pretty fair assessment of how a lot of people feel when they get one of these... if they actually read it, that is. The thing that really bugs me is that this is obviously someone this girl WORKS with who has decided the best way to minister to her is by sneaking pamphlets on her desk. I mean... really?

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I figured it out! Some elderly customers were giving them to another co-worker (who is about 21 and half'n'half jewish/christian) and they've only been giving them to her. She didn't quite know what to do with them, so they've been left at the front counter, which is my station, so that we can all get a good laugh at them. My initial confusion only made it more amusing. c|-: