June 26, 2005


Well, today we checked on a new church, and saw Batman Begins, among other errands and running amock. I must say, I enjoyed the movie. Of course there were plenty of things that were unrealistic (it's a comic book, after all) but there were a lot of things that seemed a bit more plausible, and I like it when a movie like that has realistic elements. Not to mention Christian Bale is just cool. The movie seemed filled with big-name actors, as well as actors who look like other actors so I kept wondering (like a guy who looked remarkably like Anthony Hopkins)... when I checked them all out on IMDB tonight, I was happy to not other people making comments about certain actors looking a lot like the people I thought they were (like the Anthony Hopkins guy). Not only that, but the pastor at the church we checked out happened to look a lot like Val Kilmer... who just happens to be a former Batman... I just love it when things link up in weird ways like that.

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