September 03, 2010

Culture Happy

I've been reading lots of blogs about healthy eating lately, so my thoughts have been on building up a healthy body lately. Basically, the idea is that there are no "neutral" foods. Anything you eat will either heal or harm your body in some small (or not so small) way. I've learned this the hard way, as foods like wheat and potatoes harm my body in a VERY noticeable way. But this has made me mindful of the not so noticeable ways that the food choices we make either heal or harm our bodies, and not just in a "gain weight" versus "lose weight" kind of way.

So while I am still one to grab a bowl of haagen dazs chocolate ice cream when the craving strikes (as it did tonight), I am also trying to consider what other food choices I can make consistently that heal rather than harm.

One of the ways we can do this is with eating foods with probiotics. We get probiotics from a number of fermented foods. The one you hear about on all the TV commercials is yogurt, but there are other types of fermented beverages that are chock full of beneficial active cultures... although most of them are pretty expensive if you buy them prepackaged at the store. Their benefits have often been overhyped, but ultimately they are tasty beverages that can be used for cooking and baking as well as drinking, and that work to heal and build up your body rather than tear it down.

I am not going to go into all the benefits of these things. There are plenty of excellent bloggers who have already done it and that's where I learned it from anyways. Below, I've provided a "recommended reading" list for those of you who want to learn more.

But in the next few days I'm going to tell you about my adventures in culturing. I'm getting pretty excited about it so I wanted you share in my excitement! Also, although this stuff is pretty common in the world of healthy food bloggers (at least, all the ones I read), most people don't know what this stuff is or that you can make it at home. So my goal is to spread the knowledge outside of that realm a little bit.

Recommended Reading:

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