September 04, 2010

Adventures in... Kombucha.

I got a kombucha culture about a month ago, and so I've been rocking this fermented tea ever since. Once you start making something like kombucha you kind of have to keep it up, because the culture always needs to be sitting in its "food source." So once a big batch of kombucha is ready to be bottled and enjoyed, I only have a short while before I need to brew up a new batch of sweet tea and start over. When I was making kombucha a couple years back, I wasn't having much success in making it taste GOOD. I liked it, but anyone else who was curious to try it didn't drink more than a sip. So this time around, I've been having fun experimenting with different flavors of tea, different quantities of sugar, and different fermenting times, and pulling my batches while they're still sweeter than I normally would. It's kind of like a fun science experiment. And the results have been pretty tasty. One cool thing about the kombucha is that when you bottle it, it starts to get fizzy. So this is the closest I get to having a soda.

And the cost? Well, one 16 oz bottle of kombucha at a health food store will run you between $3 and $4. Remembering that the culture is free (it replicates like CRAZY so people making kombucha have to either throw out scobys or give them away pretty regularly), when I make my own, I get about 64oz worth for the cost of a couple cusp of sugar and tea leaves. Even getting organic tea and sugar, it's still under $2 for the whole batch. DEFINITELY worth the experimenting and the time investment!

Since I've had so much fun with the kombucha, I've decided to try a couple more that have piqued my interest. Specifically, making my own kefir and my own amazake. Those are coming up next!

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