September 08, 2010

Can a girl really have too many kitchen appliances?

My little man, Zeke, is 16 months old and has really gotten into the habit of asking me what everything is, ALL THE TIME. All day long, he points to things and says, "Dat?" This means, basically, "What is that called?" He knows the answers most of the time, but he asks anyways. Usually it takes the form of pointing out every light in a room, or that he can see two clocks, or two fans, or that mommy, daddy, and Zeke eat have their own cup on the table. It's kind of neat watching him draw connections between similar things.

Yesterday he got really interested in the appliances in the kitchen. So I'm preparing his morning smoothie, all the while identifying each appliance as Zeke runs around the kitchen pointing to items and saying, "Dat?" It went a little like this:


Ice cream maker.


That's a rice cooker.

That's the crock pot.

That's still the rice cooker.

That's still the crock pot.

Still the rice cooker.

Yes Zeke, I know the rice cooker and the crock pot look similar but they're different items."

I suddenly felt very extravagant to have all these different convenience appliances at my disposal. What he did not see were my tea maker, george foreman grill, large food processor, hand mixer, and small food processor. I started to wonder, am I wasteful and extravagant to have all this stuff? Then I realized, first of all, that I have used every one of these appliances at least once in the last two weeks... some of them I use daily or every couple of days. I also realized that every single one of these was either a Christmas gift or birthday gift within the past handful of years. I mean, my family members want to get me SOMETHING for holidays, and at least I asked for stuff I would use often instead of just taking up space, right? And I love them and they save us so much time in the kitchen! So then I just felt blessed instead of extravagant.

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