September 19, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Because it's my duty to tell you about important, oft-forgotten holidays, I must pass on what Jaime reminded me - today is
International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
While it's debatable whether this is more or less exciting than Pi Day, where you get to eat pie and sound nerdy reciting the numbers in pi, on International Talk Like a Pirate Day, you get to say "Arrrrrrgh!" and, my favorite, "Aaaarh, I've seen it before!" ... and of course, it's the only day of the year you can get away with telling that awful joke... "Have you seen the new pirate movie? It's rated Aaaaaaarrrrrrh!" It's also a good excuse to wear an eye patch and drink rum. Or sing the songs on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney. (Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!)

So now you know.

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