September 14, 2007

Recent Projects

Wow, I really haven't been posting much lately. Chris has been doing a great job of keeping y'all updated on our movie watching, but I've just been living life and not sharing it, I guess. Anyways, work is fine but I'm still adjusting to a normal 9-5 job... my body seems to get worn out REALLY easily, and I feel like I just can't keep up recently. I've been trying to get enough sleep and eat well, but it's just really helping. So in an attempt to see if my diet can really affect how I feel, I'm trying something new. I have been reading up on how to make kombucha tea online, and I found a guy on craigslist who sent me a mother culture to get started, and I'm trying to make my own kombucha, which I'm excited to see how it turns out.

I also got my plants in the house and they are making me happy, but I still really want more herbs. The other thing I've been doing to maintain my sanity is some crochet work. I've finished Emily's Christmas present, and I'm almost done with Nicole's, too. But since they're Christmas presents, I'm going to have to wait a WHILE before I can post photos. I'm trying to figure out what my next project should be... do I want to make myself another purse, or do I want to be REALLY ambitious and try to crochet a sweater from a pattern I got online? I'm scared of the sweater idea, but it WILL be getting cold in a few months and I know if I was successful, I'd be pretty thrilled. November is the second annual "National Knit a Sweater Month" (NaKniSweMo) so I was thinking maybe that would inspire me to crochet a sweater in the month of November. Hmmm....

Anyways, this weekend I have a ton of work to do, and I don't know what else to share. Oh yeah, we have a ton of PEZ dispensers in our house now. And I love my apartment. And one of these days we'll find our digital camera and I'll take pictures of all this, but right now it's lost, and I don't know how to operate Chris's fancy camera. Alas.


Nicole said...

i want to crochet a sweater with you for nakniswemo!!!!

i miss you!

kendra said...

It's a deal! we'll figure it out together. :-) This is the pattern I am planning to try out... except I'm going to extend the sleeves and the body so it's a normal sweater and not a cropped sweater. And I am gonna hafta research the yarn options because I think the one she's recommending 13 skeins of is gonna be pricey...