September 21, 2007

Bomb Art, or Stupidest MIT Student Ever?

Wow, this article is pretty bizarre: Woman at Logan claims fake bomb is art, police say. I have to assume that this girl expected to be arrested, wearing a fake bomb into an airport. But the fact of the matter is that she very well could have been shot and killed if she slipped up at all and any of the officers were afraid she was about to detonate her "bomb" ... they have no way of knowing if it's fake or not when it's strapped to her body. (I mean, they thought LED signs were bombs a few months ago).

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think it's silly when people get scared of Mario Blocks or LED signs and think that they're bombs, but because people are afraid of that anything out of the ordinary is a bomb, I also think it's really stupid to actually PRETEND to have a bomb. Especially in an airport. Even if you think you're being a risky conceptual artist (and this is coming from the girl who was indoctrinated for 4 years in an art program that is ALL ABOUT risky conceptual art). And that's my 2 cents on the matter.

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