September 20, 2007


So I did some freelance work for a woman I used to work with in Vidalia, for her soap company. She makes it all from home, so I exchanged work for soap. Today the box of soap came! I'm pretty excited to have yummy soap for a while. My eczema on my hands totally cleared up when I started using only organic soap, so I'm happy to be stocked up for a while.


If anyone else wants some yummy soap, you can order it from her website. I think she's also got some at Wild Fibre in Savannah.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

I just bought Joffre some Guiness soap from a seller on Etsy but I was pretty disappointed. It doesn't smell like beer at all.they put a sample of peach soap in with it and it all smelled like peach.