September 28, 2007

walk to work

When I get off at the downtown MARTA station, I have a short walk through an above-ground covered walkway to get to my building. It's actually a pretty need walk... all these photos were taken from basically the same spot on the walkway, just turning in different directions.

capitol building

downtown buildings

archives bldg

fun crochet projects

These are the things I made this week. An iPod cozy (cuz my old case broke), and an amigurami bird. I made them both up from scratch... no patterns, so I'm pretty proud of them.

My bird needs a name, so I'm open to suggestions.

amigurami bird

My iPod cozy isn't the prettiest thing ever, but it works.

iPod cozy

I've got a few more photos of them up on my flickr site, some different angles of my bird and the back of my iPod cozy. Fun times.

September 21, 2007

Bomb Art, or Stupidest MIT Student Ever?

Wow, this article is pretty bizarre: Woman at Logan claims fake bomb is art, police say. I have to assume that this girl expected to be arrested, wearing a fake bomb into an airport. But the fact of the matter is that she very well could have been shot and killed if she slipped up at all and any of the officers were afraid she was about to detonate her "bomb" ... they have no way of knowing if it's fake or not when it's strapped to her body. (I mean, they thought LED signs were bombs a few months ago).

So I guess what I'm trying to say is that I think it's silly when people get scared of Mario Blocks or LED signs and think that they're bombs, but because people are afraid of that anything out of the ordinary is a bomb, I also think it's really stupid to actually PRETEND to have a bomb. Especially in an airport. Even if you think you're being a risky conceptual artist (and this is coming from the girl who was indoctrinated for 4 years in an art program that is ALL ABOUT risky conceptual art). And that's my 2 cents on the matter.

September 20, 2007


So I did some freelance work for a woman I used to work with in Vidalia, for her soap company. She makes it all from home, so I exchanged work for soap. Today the box of soap came! I'm pretty excited to have yummy soap for a while. My eczema on my hands totally cleared up when I started using only organic soap, so I'm happy to be stocked up for a while.


If anyone else wants some yummy soap, you can order it from her website. I think she's also got some at Wild Fibre in Savannah.


Okay, so I've been wanting to post some photos, and I finally took some the other day, so here are my new plants (and my old plants too)...

my new herbs...

My new Salvia plant. It has blue flowers that are supposed to attract hummingbirds, supposedly.
salvia plant

My indoor plants that make me smile.

indoor plants

Shannon gave me a tiny offshoot of this plant, and it's grown to this crazy thing in the past year. I also broke off 3 pieces and started those as new plants. I've never done that successfully with any other plants, but this is the most hearty plant ever. I have no idea what it's called, though.

crazy plant

This is one of the offshoots. I just planted this one and gave it to Noralil.

for Angela...

... and Nicole... and Sam... and Emily.

Did Steve tell you that, perchance? Steve.

September 19, 2007

Talk Like a Pirate Day

Because it's my duty to tell you about important, oft-forgotten holidays, I must pass on what Jaime reminded me - today is
International Talk Like a Pirate Day!
While it's debatable whether this is more or less exciting than Pi Day, where you get to eat pie and sound nerdy reciting the numbers in pi, on International Talk Like a Pirate Day, you get to say "Arrrrrrgh!" and, my favorite, "Aaaarh, I've seen it before!" ... and of course, it's the only day of the year you can get away with telling that awful joke... "Have you seen the new pirate movie? It's rated Aaaaaaarrrrrrh!" It's also a good excuse to wear an eye patch and drink rum. Or sing the songs on the Pirates of the Caribbean ride at Disney. (Yo ho, yo ho, a pirate's life for me!)

So now you know.

September 18, 2007


I don't really know the difference between yesterday and today (other than walking around the block to the Capitol building twice), but my pedometer tells me I walked 12,000 steps today. So that's exciting. Although really... I have no idea what the real difference is. Whatever. Hooray!

Hillary pointed me to where it tells me that my walk to the Marta station is only .92 miles. Now I'm playing around with setting up a profile there. Fun fun.

September 17, 2007


So I'm getting pretty determined to get in shape, because I've been feeling pretty cruddy and I think that's partly to blame. "They" tell you that you need to walk 10,000 steps a day to stay in shape, and "they" usually also say that it isn't hard if you just walk around a little more than usual... take the stairs instead of the elevator, etc. Since the weather isn't so oppressively hot and muggy anymore, I decided to start by walking to and from the MARTA station... (which Google tells me is 1.1 miles one way) this is on top of the quarter mile one way I already walk from MARTA to my office building, AND taking the stairs everywhere... but that's not all! After dinner I walked a quarter mile up to our apartment's gym, ran 2 miles on the elliptical machine (I love elliptical machines), and walked the quarter mile back. By my math this is 5 miles of walking not counting random everyday walking that people who are inactive do. And what do I have to show for it? I'm a couple freakin' hundred steps short of that "easy" 10,000 steps, according to my trusty pedometer. My trusty pedometer also tells me that I only walked 4.6 miles, but by my math and according to my Google maps, that should be more like 5.2 miles. But that just means my pedometer isn't calibrated properly to the length of my steps.

Anyways, all this rambling is to say that I feel like I did a good deal of integrating exercise into my daily routine as well as "going the extra mile (or two)" at the gym, and it's frustrating that all of that doesn't reach that 10,000 step suggested daily exercise. Blah. I guess I need to ignore the stupid pedometer and come up with different goals. Or something.

September 14, 2007

Recent Projects

Wow, I really haven't been posting much lately. Chris has been doing a great job of keeping y'all updated on our movie watching, but I've just been living life and not sharing it, I guess. Anyways, work is fine but I'm still adjusting to a normal 9-5 job... my body seems to get worn out REALLY easily, and I feel like I just can't keep up recently. I've been trying to get enough sleep and eat well, but it's just really helping. So in an attempt to see if my diet can really affect how I feel, I'm trying something new. I have been reading up on how to make kombucha tea online, and I found a guy on craigslist who sent me a mother culture to get started, and I'm trying to make my own kombucha, which I'm excited to see how it turns out.

I also got my plants in the house and they are making me happy, but I still really want more herbs. The other thing I've been doing to maintain my sanity is some crochet work. I've finished Emily's Christmas present, and I'm almost done with Nicole's, too. But since they're Christmas presents, I'm going to have to wait a WHILE before I can post photos. I'm trying to figure out what my next project should be... do I want to make myself another purse, or do I want to be REALLY ambitious and try to crochet a sweater from a pattern I got online? I'm scared of the sweater idea, but it WILL be getting cold in a few months and I know if I was successful, I'd be pretty thrilled. November is the second annual "National Knit a Sweater Month" (NaKniSweMo) so I was thinking maybe that would inspire me to crochet a sweater in the month of November. Hmmm....

Anyways, this weekend I have a ton of work to do, and I don't know what else to share. Oh yeah, we have a ton of PEZ dispensers in our house now. And I love my apartment. And one of these days we'll find our digital camera and I'll take pictures of all this, but right now it's lost, and I don't know how to operate Chris's fancy camera. Alas.

September 06, 2007

Sadness: Bear Grylls is a big phony

So a while back I was talking about some of the gross things that Bear Grylls does on Man vs Wild. And then Chris watched it and decided that Bear was his hero. But then he sent me an article online about how he's really a big phony, and why they tell us he does isn't actually what he does. Like he doesn't sleep in tents all night, he films with a big crew and then goes and stays in fancy hotels and stuff. And that really sucks. So he is no longer cool at all. I figure they must have known that at some point we would figure out that he was a big faker, so I don't understand how they think it's worth it to try... cuz now everyone will just hate him. Anyways, here's a sad video about what a big faker he is. Just had to set the record straight.