November 17, 2005

the suspense is killing me

Ooh! oooh oooh! I am jumping out of my skin with exciting news about our PEZ movie, but I'm afraid to post it anywhere because I'm afraid I'll jinx* it. It seems like every time good stuff potentially will happen, it doesn't work out if we tell people. Bleh. So I'm holding it in until we have confirmation. Let's just say Chris has an exciting adventure ahead of him, and I don't because I have to be at work. Poor me. Lucky Chris. More later. In, like, a week.

* Yes, I know all my Calvinist friends are rolling their eyes at my use of the word jinx, but really, that's what it feels like. even if it's not true. that doesn't change what it feels like. so shush up and get over yourselves. ::wink::

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