November 09, 2005

Fame and Fortune await!

...or maybe not.

Since the program I'm teaching for at Southeastern Technical College is so new, they decided to feature it in the Winter newsletter. Complete with a picture of me sitting in the Mac lab, and a quote, too. It's really strange that everyone at this school is walking around with a copy of my face staring at them.

In other news, we're selling fun new stickers for the PEZ movie... if you buy them, you're helping us to make this movie a reality. Plus I'll be your best friend. I mean, you can never have too many best friends.

1 comment:

.tif said...

Look at you, all smiling for the camera on the front page! Whoot! I can point and say, "Hey, I know her! She's all famous now!" :) Well, hmm, except I'm sitting by msyelf here in the computer lab, so ... Nevermind. Anyway, congrats on the fun new job and all the excitement it may bring. God is so faithful! :)