November 23, 2009

Approaching 30 (Part 3) ... 20 Greatest Milestones of my 20s

Here we are, 20 days before I turn 30. So I bring to you a recap of the 20 Milestones / Accompishments of my 20s.

  1. Giving my life to Christ (just days before I turned 21)
  2. Marrying Chris (age 23)
  3. Giving birth to my first child (age 29)
  4. Graduating college with high honors (age 22)
  5. Finding out I was pregnant (age 28)
  6. Realizing I was in love with Chris (age 22)
  7. Producing a feature-length independent documentary (age 26-27)
  8. Showing our first feature documentary in film festivals (age 27)
  9. Showing my art in a two-woman show at the Reitz Union with .tif (age 21)
  10. Learning to crochet, and writing my own patterns (age 27, 28)
  11. Becoming friends with my mother (early 20s)
  12. Discovering how to eat to feel healthy (age 28)
  13. Letting go of "my plans" to move to Portland, and following the Lord's lead in moving to Atlanta instead, without a plan, and watching as God put the pieces into place (age 27)
  14. Learning to teach (age 22)
  15. Designing our own PEZ dispenser that PEZ made for us.
  16. Learning how to throw pottery on a wheel (age 22)
  17. Learning how to solder silver to make jewelry (age 22)
  18. Learning to do stained glass (age 24)
  19. Having the guts to dye my hair blue for a few months (age 21-22)
  20. Learning needle felting (age 28)

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