June 15, 2008

luisa's bat

K-dawg emailed me and told me I needed to blog. And I've got a bit of downtime tonight hanging out in Lakeland, so I figured now was a good time.

This is the bat I made for my friend Luisa's 30th birthday. We stopped by to see her on Friday the 13th on our way down to Florida for a wedding.

luisa's bat

Luisa used to work at the Luby Foundation outside Gainesville, Florida, where they housed a lot of bats. One time she took me and Tiffany on a tour and we had a blast. Here are some video and photos from our trip... 6 or 7 years ago.

fox bat

dog bat

dog bat


LeaningAnimal said...

you are insanely amazing

Kimberly said...

I bet Luisa LOVED that. So cool. I don't think I would have enjoyed that tour like you and Tiffany did. I like to look at bats from a very friendly distance.

kendra said...

yeah kim, i think i remember when we went you thought we were crazy. we had a blast, though.