August 26, 2006


Chris and I got food poisoning* from our dinner last night and have been basically out of commission all day. Throwing up takes a lot out of a person, and it's worse because we're both sick so we can't really help each other. We had to ask a friend to bring us soup, crackers, and gatorade (which she did immediately, bless her heart)... anyways, not fun. We've been in an out of sleep all day and our whole bodies hurt and we are pretty pathetic. I hope I can get a good night's sleep tonight so that hopefully tomorrow we're feeling better for church, etc.

I know, not the most exciting post, but it's what my day has been, nonetheless.

*(Aug 27 Update) Turns out it may have been a virus and not food poisoning, because we've been sick a couple days now with fevers and whatnot. Definitely not fun.

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