August 01, 2006


Oye. I feel more than a little exhausted. This past weekend Chris, Paul, and I drove up to West Virginia to go to Tiffany's wedding. We had a good time... the wedding was beautiful. Tiffany did a spectacular job of planning a wedding on a shoestring budget, and had everything under control. She even personally stamped about a million napkins so they'd have personalized napkins. They were super-cool. And I finally got to meet her friends Spike and Samantha, both of whom I'd heard about here and there for the past 8 years, but neither of whom I'd ever met, since one lives in Pennsylvania and the other in Portland. So that was cool. But still... driving 20 hours round-trip within a 40 hour timespan is a little tiring. Just a little.

Now I'm back to normal life, and working on a bunch of freelance projects along with my jobs, and of course, maintaining stuff for the movie. There's still alot we have to do with that this month. I predict very little sleep for this girl in the month of August... hopefully September will fare a little better. And if not September, maybe October will prove restful. I know I'm looking forward to NOT going out of town for the whole month of August.

Anyways, if you're one of the large number of people who haven't really heard from me in a coon's age* then I must apologize and give you the following explanation - I'm exhausted, and I still don't have daytime cellphone minutes until August 3rd. And I haven't made nighttime phonecalls because... well... I'm exhausted. Plus my past two weeks have been spent either out of town or with company before going out of town or recovering from being out of town. Do we see a pattern here?

* (can you tell I've been to see my grandma lately? I mean really... "a coon's age?" who says that?)

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