January 31, 2009

Sea Creature Mobile

I've been working on this project for months now, started soon after Chris and I found out we were pregnant. I kept changing my mind about things over time and for a while I just wasn't inspired to work on it, but I finally finished over Christmas.

The creatures are made with a small hook and wool sock yarn, the coral base is made with worsted weight wool yarn.

I've written a pattern for it, and The Chris worked hard to take photos for me, so now I'm just looking for a couple of people to test the patterns and make sure it all makes sense, and if it works out, I'll try selling it on Etsy.

UPDATE: I've finally got the pattern completed and up for sale on Etsy!

Zeke's Sea Creature Mobile:

sea creature mobile

sea creature mobile, top view

amigurumi octopus for mobile

amugirumi jellyfish for mobile

amigurumi goldfish for mobile


Acacia Leigh said...

Freakin adorable! LOVE this!

Anonymous said...

I love this baby mobile! If you plan to sell the pattern please let me know! My brother is having a baby in the fall and he wanted to do the baby's room in sea life. Again once you decide to sell it my email is jessicaltrout@gmail.com