January 19, 2009

crochet baby toys

So much of my attention has been taken up by the little guy in my belly; so I've mainly been crocheting toys and rattles and such for him. Here are some of the things I've made in the last couple months, and didn't bother writing patterns for.

The thick grabby rings in the back right have jingle bells in them, as does the big block, which I felted (and which wound up larger than I expected, and more round than I expected, after felting). The barbell has something that rattles on both ends. And the rings are just felted rings.

I made this monster when I was sick, with some cool yarn Emily gave me. I might have to keep it away from Zeke when he's in the "put everything in his mouth" stage though, because I'm not sure how easy that fuzzy yarn would be to clean.

That's all for now. Once Chris takes a couple more photos for me, I'll also post photos of the mobile I finally finished.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

Those are so great,Kendra. Did you see the crochet baby shoes I posted a while back? Those would be fun to do.