August 12, 2008

the search for the tasteful animated GIF...

Following a conversation with coworkers, I'm curious if anyone has ever come up with a tasteful animated GIF... I mean, in all the interwebs, there must be a few that are actually a good use of the technology. But I learned from a google search for "tasteful animated gif design" that the word tasteful is a relative term... but did not find any that our "team of experts" deemed to fit in the category of tasteful.

Christina pointed us to amazon's ad for kindle, front and center, where the animated gif cycles through some screens to show how kindle works. But I don't know if an advert counts. I pointed to k10k's "About" and "Issues" buttons at the top, because their hover state uses a nice animated gif, but Nikhil said that it doesn't count because it only comes up on a mouse action. Oh, and then I remembered the diesel sweeties has had a couple clever comics that use the tiniest bit of animation, but I don't remember which ones.

Does anyone have a better example for me?


Sister-man said...

what about the overcompensating from July 22nd? Is that what you mean?

kendra said...

kinda like that, yeah. (July 22 Overcompensating) although my guess is that cartoons don't count either. Bah humbug!