June 29, 2007

Give the Gift of Sheep... or Cows... or...

Give a Sheep
I'm very excited about Oxfam America Unwrapped, where you can buy gifts of sustainability for third world villages. It's pretty freaking awesome, and right now I'm trying to figure out which one(s) to ask for for Christmas. I can't just get these gifts for others because I risk pissing them off that I got someone else something cool for THEIR gift, so I just hafta ask for myself. Some options are to get someone a Sheep for $45, or maybe Support an indigenous craftwoman for $90. Other gifts include buying a crocodile, a cow, or a camel, or irrigating a farmer's land, supporting a fair trade co-op... even building a coffee mill. Prices range from under $20 to over $5,000. Pretty freaking awesome. Interested? Start shopping now!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


We really appreciate you mentioning Oxfam America Unwrapped! I work with Oxfam America Unwrapped and thought that you and your readers would be interested to know that the Unwrapped Holiday Catalog has been updated. 22 new gifts have been made available, just in time for the holiday season!

Oxfam America Unwrapped is truly a fantastic way to give back this holiday season. Give the unexpected gift that does good!

Thank you for your support,