July 11, 2007

more crochet

So I've gotten a couple more little crochet animals made, and I think I'm getting better at it... but I'm still not thrilled about em yet. But I'm getting there. My second project was this bunny. He doesn't have a name yet, so I'm taking suggestions. I've also made something else I can't post photos of yet cuz I'm giving them away and I don't want to ruin the surprise. So this is all you get for now. I have a whole bunch more patterns now, and I think it won't be TOO much longer before I'm ready to try things on my own instead of going off a pattern. We'll see.

Name my bunny!


Nicole said...

Methuselah! (oh, pick me, pick me!!!)

Kimberly said...

Blackberry or Ivory or Thunder.

Anonymous said...

Errr, Cuddles?