June 18, 2007

Waste of money?

So a couple of weeks ago, I paid to get a Spot Test, which was to test for food allergies. I know some of my food allergies, but I still get a rash sometimes when I've been good at avoiding the things I'm allergic to, so I was hoping to figure out what else I may have overlooked. I finally got the test back today, and was pretty disappointed with the results. According to this spot test, I'm not allergic to ANY foods, not even sulfites. Here's the thing. I KNOW I'm allergic to sulfites... how do I know this? Well, whenever I eat something with sulfites in it, my faces breaks out in a horrible itchy rash. When I avoid sulfites, no horrible itchy rash. So either they messed up my blood sample, or their test is bogus? I dunno... but I'm pretty disappointed.

1 comment:

LeaningAnimal said...

yeah that really sucks. could certain food allergies not be detectable in a blood sample i wonder? i think your method of food allergy detection is probably still the best indicator. maybe you should call brighter day and talk to the wellness guru, that guy that opened the store (i have no idea what his name is)perhaps he could help. or maybe you are just an anomaly ;)