April 16, 2007

Why I shouldn't let Chris go out of town without me

So there's a trend that's been developing in my life, that goes "When Chris goes out of town, bad things happen to Kendra." The first time was when we were just dating, and Chris went to Alaska for 6 weeks. Otherwise known as The Hardest 6 Weeks Of My Life, some of the things that happened included a really bad stomach flu, the water pump in my car breaking, and my hot water heater in my apartment exploding (huge spark that woke me up, smell of burning rubber, water spraying all over the place... yeah, I'd call that exploding).

I was afraid to let him go far after all that, but I kind of had to get over it last year when Chris went up north on PEZ business for a week. The trend continued, though, because that's when a wheel was stolen off my car.

Finally, Chris went out of town for this past week. The first day I was home alone without him, I got a mild bout of food poisoning that put me out of commission for the day. I was hoping that was it for my "Bad Things Happen When Chris Is Gone," but on Saturday a flaky girl ran into the back of my car. Not a bad accident, but the back bumper is scratched up.

So now I'm thinking for sure I shouldn't let Chris take off without me again. Things are just easier to deal with when he's here (and less bad things happen).

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