April 14, 2007

um... ew.

I'm up way too late and watching Man vs. Wild on the Discovery Channel because that's all that's on (the guy will parachute into random places and then has to survive for a week, and get back to civilization or something... I don't usually pay really close attention to it)... and the guy is in the middle of the Moab desert and it's really hot, so he has this cloth wrapped around his head to cool him down, but it's not doing much good, because apparently it's really hot, and in fact it's so REALLY FRIGGIN HOT that he just took the cloth off his head, PEED ON IT, then wrapped it back around his face (covering all but his eyes, really). All I can think is that I can't imagine being SO MISERABLY HOT that it seems like a good idea to pee on a cloth and put it around my face to cool myself down some. (I mean, fresh pee isn't exactly chilly, either). Gross. Really, I'm just kind of praying that I never have a time in my life where it seems like a practical, useful idea to pee on a cloth and stick it on my head.

Hmm, now he just ate a raw bird eggs, then decided to cook the other one on a rock (he just broke it on the rock and it cooked, because remember, it's REALLY FRIGGIN HOT).

Okay, for all the gross and worst stuff all at once you can check out this page of videos, where the "Keeping Cool" video features that gem of a moment that sparked this blog.

My hubby isn't here to ramble all this to, and it's too late at night to call Angela, so you, dear Internet, are the only person I have to tell. I'm so glad we can talk like this, Internet. I'm so glad you listen to my randomness in the middle of the night. I hope we always stay friends.

1 comment:

Kimberly said...

That is so incredibly gross and I thiught my last post was a bit gross. You win K-dawg.