March 12, 2007

my favorite month of the year? perhaps!

I think this may be my favorite month of every year. March is a great month anyways... in the south it's when everything is blooming and green and the temperature is nice ... and on top of that, THIS week is just filled with random fake holidays - some of my favorite fake holidays at that! Let us start with Wednesday, 3.14, which is Pi Day... the day you eat pie and act like a dork by wishing people a happy Pi Day and no one knows what you're talking about. This is immediately followed by 3.15, the day Julius Caesar was assassinated in 44 BC (you know, "Beware the Ides of March!") ... finally, we have 3.17, Saint Patrick's Day, the day you're suppose to wear green and talk about the "Luck o' the Irish" and eat shamrock cookies. This is especially a fun day in Savannah, because they have a huge St. Patrick's Day parade, everything closes down, and everyone hangs out outside and drinks too much and wears silly green attire. The fountains have all be "greened" with food coloring, there will be much bagpipes and celtic music everywhere... I love Irish stuff, I don't know why. But for some reason I've always loved St. Patricks Day. It's just so random. This year it falls on a Saturday, so there will be more hooplah than usual, because people will come in from all over for the celebration. I'm glad I already live downtown and don't have to fight traffic to go to anything. Chris and I will probably just walk around and check things out. Some people will camp out in the squares to get prime spots for the parade.

And this, dear friends, is why I love mid-march. The End.

Epilogue: did I mention I love the end of March because it's Chris and My anniversary? This year we'll be in PORTLAND, OREGON for our anniversary, which is really stellar. Last year we went to NYC. Much enjoyment, indeed!


hillary said...

As an irishy lassy I too love march! They do it up insane here for saint patricks day. oh man!

I always say beware the ides and people look at me like I am insane! I love you insane with me! Its still cold here in march though. But my allergies start to kick in something severe!

happy anniversay! how many years. This year is our 11th together and 5th married! when did I get so old?

kendra said...

I think I have some Irish blood, (mostly German) ... but since all my family has lived in the states for probably 200 years, I can't really claim any of my "Old World" blood with good conscience!

Savannah is pretty nuts for St. Patty's, it's kinda like their Mardi Gras. Big parade, lots of drinking, etc. It's kind of fun. But I'm sure Boston beats us out!

March 29 will be 4 years for me and Chris. I do feel old. Well, actually, I sense that I'm getting older, but I still feel like an immature kid who can't get a real job and is too lazy to clean her room and too selfish to have kids. Then I wonder if none of us ever really grow up, and some people are just better at pretending than others.