March 01, 2007

crochet mania!

I figured out how to crochet hats recently, so I've been a little insane about crocheting in my free time (in cars, watching TV, when my hands are tired of being on the computer and need to do something different)... I have made 5 hats and 2 pairs of fingerless gloves in the past... oh... 3 weeks. The funny thing is that it's no longer cold enough to need to wear a hat. But now whenever it gets cold again, I have a white hat, a black hat, a dark blue hat, a light blue hat, and a tan & maroon hat. I also have fingerless gloves to go with the dark blue and the tan & maroon. Fingerless gloves are my newest obsession. I will probably actually wear those more than I'll wear hats. (Hats look pretty silly on me, so it's actually been my goal to try and figure out hats that don't look so silly when I need to keep my head and ears warm). Anyways, I took some photos to show some friends, so I figured I'd link to them here as well. But I don't have pictures of the black hat or the white hat... I actually can't find them right now... but they exist, I swear.

Hooray for crochet!


Kimberly said...

K-dawg, that picture made me laugh. Not that the gloves and hat aren't cool but that goofy model cracks me up. Are fingerless gloves useful or just cool lookin'?

kendra said...

by "goofy model" do you mean me? ;)

fingerless gloves are uber useful if you are cold but need dexterity in your fingers. Especially if you work in an office where it's too cold (I've got to make some for Tiff and my sis-in-law for that reason) or if you're like me and you just find yourself always trying to pull your sweater sleeves down over your hands.