March 05, 2007

bands and babies

This wound up to be a pretty crazy weekend. Chris and I went down to Jax to see mewithoutYou... otherwise known as the only band I'll go to because I am getting so sick of shows... then we went further down to Gainesville to stay with the Geary's so I could watch their kids while they went to see mewithoutYou the next night. Lucky for inexperienced me, the kids were in bed before Luisa and Adam left for the show, and I just had to sit around in the house. But that was just the beginning of our weekend, because that night, after the show and after everyone was home and in bed, Adam knocked on the door (3:30 am?) and told us that he was taking Luisa to the hospital... she'd been having contractions all night, but they weren't sure if she was going into labor or not, and finally decided they'd better go in at least and find out (she was, and they got her ready for her third C-section). Luckily, we were there to stay with the kids. The next morning Adam came back to get some sleep, and I got up to get the kids up and dressed and fed, and then when I started to crash after a couple hours (I had a cold, after all, and only had 4 hours sleep tops myself) I woke Chris up and made him trade off with me so I could get a little more rest.

Then later on in the afternoon we all made the trek down to the hospital to see baby Ayden*. He's a tiny cutie. Cyris was pretty excited about his new baby brother, and Izabel was about as excited as an 18 month old can get. Adam talked us into staying one more night, because Luisa and Ayden were staying in the hospital until Tuesday morning, so we left this morning. Anyways, we thought it was cool that God planned it all out for us to be at the house when this all happened, and we got to be the first ones to see the new baby. (And probably the first one to put photos up... I hope Luisa doesn't get mad at me!)

Baby Ayden

And for all you silly people who are wondering, no, it didn't make me want my own kids. At all. If anything, the whole experience made me feel completely inadequate to take care of kids all the time... I just don't have the energy for it.

*I double-checked on how they spell the names yesterday, so I swear I'm not mispelling them)

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