March 05, 2006

More NYC thoughts

Well, I spent a lot of this weekend figuring out what all we wanted to do while in the Big Apple, and when we could do it all, and buying tickets for things that are best pre-ordered. And it's become abundantly clear where Chris and my priorities lie when it comes to these things, because our trip is very much a Museum Tour of New England. Our trip consists of stops in 3 places: 1 day in Washington, DC, 4 days in NYC, and 1 1/2 days in Philly (and a lot of driving). Our itenerary is basically made up of the following stops:

I mean sure, when all the galleries have closed for the night, which is about 6pm each night, we've got other places to visit as well, like the Empire State Building, Ground Zero, Central Park, the East Village, Chinatown, and as much else as we can handle before I pass out from sheer exhaustion and Chris has to carry me back to the hotel. But now that Chris has all this art history learnin' in his brain, he's just as excited to hit all these museums and galleries as I am.

This is especially exciting for me, because I tend to be really influenced by the art that I see, and I rarely have been able to actually share those experiences with anyone else. I've been able to see some amazing artwork in some amazing museums, but most of them have been by myself (or at least, once I was there, I was on my own). Museums I've experienced alone include: The Louvre and the Centre Pompidou in Paris, the Hirshorn Museum, and the National Gallery of Art in DC, and a bunch of smaller places that I can't remember. And I went to the SFMoMA in San Francisco with my friend Stephen, but although he was interested in it all (or at least pretended to be) he didn't really know what he was looking at, so didn't really understand my excitement. And most specifically when I was wandering through all the art museums in DC alone a few years back, I was really aware of how much I wished there was someone I could share that experience with. So I think that's what I'm most excited about with this trip, is being able to do all of this with my husband, and knowing that he'll be just as excited about these things as I am, and we can actually talk about that experience.

So yes, I'm really psyched. And getting very anxious.

1 comment:

chris said...'re so sweet. just one more reason why i am a perfect husband.