March 09, 2006

Donald Miller Audio Chat

So this is kind of cool. Donald Miller and Derek Webb are going to do an audio chat next Tuesday night online, and answer questions that people pose to them about social issues and such. I'm a big fan of Donald Miller, and really respect his honesty and his outlook on Christianity, so I'm really excited about it (and hoping it's available to download after the live chat, because I will be in Vidalia and unable to listen to it when it happens).

Anyways, lately I've been talking to a few people about how to bring about social change in society, and so I posted a question in hopes that they will answer it on the audio chat (or at least email me back if they can't get to it during the chat). So I figured I'd post it below since it pretty much sums up what I've been thinking about lately....

It seems to me that in today's money-driven society, our only real way to "vote" on any issue is through our spending habits. Specifically considering that large corporations seem capable of buying their way out of anything, the only thing that would speak to them would be if people stopped purchasing their products.

For example, Starbucks won't stop taking advantage of their coffee farmers unless a huge percentage of their customer base stops buying their coffee there in favor of fair trade coffee at other coffee shops (or only orders fair trade coffee options at Starbucks, when available, and otherwise doesn't purchase coffee there at all). This is because what matters to Starbucks, ultimately, is their bottom line. If it's financially in their best interest to switch entirely to fair trade coffee beans, they'll do it, but only then.

What do you think about this theory, and do you think it's a viable option for socially concerned Christians to use selective boycotting to make a difference?

That's all I have to say today.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thoughtful question, Kendra.