February 27, 2006

New York

Chris and I are officially going north for spring break. It's going to be way colder than I would like, but Chris has off school and I have off teaching at the same time this spring break, so we're taking advantage of that to head up and do the things we've been wanting to do for so long. So we're gonna spend about a day and a half in Washington DC on the way up to see some art museums, then to NYC for 5 days. I've never been to NYC and Chris has only been for a few hours once, so we're really excited about it, and are just starting to try and figure out what all we're going to do while we're there. I know we're really excited to go to lots of art museums, and of course things like Central Park and Times Square and stuff. But I'm not really sure how to plan or what to think about doing. So if you have any suggestions or money-saving tips or anything, let me know. We're staying in what is most likely a crappy hotel but it's only $100 a night instead of $300 a night so we're dealing with it, but we really wanted to stay in NYC near subways so we can get up and go, not try to drive anywhere or anything. So. Will be an adventure. Then we're wrapping up our trip with a couple of days in Philly, staying with the Clarks who moved there about a year ago. So I'm excited about that. Not excited about the cold, but, I will deal.


sajini said...

Hey Kendra,
I suggest get a Timeout New York Magazine right when you get there. They have everyday stuff to do on there and is very detailed. They even have restaurants that arent pricey that they rate every week. So thats an idea. If i can think of anything else going ont hat week, I'll let you know. Hope its a fabulous trip. Are you in NYC on a sunday?

kendra said...

I'll have to look for that magazine. Thanks for the tip! We'll be there on a Sunday afternoon (by 3pm) but not before then.