August 15, 2009

compost fail

Yeah, so we gave up on composting. After a year of trying with our 5 gallon bucket system and winding up with compost that killed my plants and smelled bad, Chris decided he would dig a trench for compost in the back of our new apartment, only to find that we had hard clay, not dirt back there. So since we don't have the money for a real compost drum or anything, we're back to throwing away our food trash and calling our year-plus experiment of saving food waste a total waste of time and effort. Bummer.


Maven said...

How about getting a garbage disposal, so the compostable stuff you can grind up and ends up going to the water treatment plant instead of sitting in a landfill in plastic bags? Just an idea. I live in a condo myself, and have been on the fence about it all. There's also a rather pricey composting system called Bokashi you might want to look into as well. I haven't tried it, but I know it exists. Thought I'd share that info.

kendra said...

We do have a garbage disposal, so at least there's that. I would love to get a real composter but we just don't have the discretionary income for that right now... our $5 bin experiment was the best we could do. Chris is considering digging a trench in our backyard space at our new apartment and giving that a shot, but apparently all we have is clay back there so digging would be tricky. His dad says we can do it though, so we might eventually try that.