March 09, 2009

yay for

So we had a good time visiting with my grandma and my great aunt this afternoon / evening, and even though it's been a very busy day, now that they've gone to bed, I'm still too awake to sleep... which is a bummer because I do have to go into work tomorrow. I guess I'll manage.

So I struck out with the rosemary and basil plants. I want to get organic ones, but none of the places that usually carry them (Whole Foods, and Sevannanda) have them right now. I don't know if it's too early, or what. Home Depot had basil, but it's not organic, and since I'm using organic potting soil and organic plant food that I already have, I don't see the point in compromising and buying a non-organic plant. But I REALLY want some basil! I wonder if it's too early, or if I just need to expand my search. I should probably call Urban Gardener tomorrow and see if they've got their herbs in stock. I can't even try to grow things from seeds, they always fail (the one exception being my avacado plant, and I tried three of those and the only one that lived is the one that was ALREADY sprouting inside the avacado when I cut it open). So each year I just buy the actual plants... I really don't have a green thumb, I just try real hard not to kill my plants, and that's about the best I can do. Alas!


Kimberly said...

It's a little bit too early still. Basil from seed isn't too hard as long as you water it just right and don't take it outside too soon. Rosemary is really hard to do from see because it is so slow growing. You can propagate Rosemary if you can find someone with a plant.

kendra said...

ah ha! That explains it, then. Good to know! I don't think this is the year to try things from seed though. Maybe another year I'll get more brave.