February 10, 2009

dumb little decisions

So every few months, after I've been super good with watching all the food I eat to make sure I don't get any of the foods I'm allergic to, and I'm feeling good, I'll start feeling like a pain in the butt from being so obsessive over my food, and I'll start wondering if I'm REALLY that sensitive to this stuff, or if I just think I am and am being difficult on everyone around me with my food issues. "Surely," I think, "a little bit wouldn't hurt me. I probably get contaminated by little bits of stuff all the time and don't even realize it. I'm probably just being silly."

Today was one of those days. I went out for sushi with a coworker for lunch (cooked and veggie sushi, I know I'm not allowed to have the raw stuff while I'm pregnant), and I forgot to bring my wheat-free soy sauce. And so there I am, faced with either eating my avocado roll without soy sauce, or using the wheat-poisoned soy, and I had a moment of stupidity where I thought, "I can probably tolerate just a tiny bit and it won't bother me. I haven't touched anything with gluten in months." Fast forward a few hours, where that tiny bit of gluten has my muscles all sore with that special sore feeling I only get after eating food that my body reacts to. Stupid Kendra.

Live and learn, live and learn. At least I've confirmed in my own mind for another few months that gluten is poison. I haven't forgotten yet that corn is poison, because an organic soda with citric acid in it a few months back had me feeling like I was getting the flu for two days, or potatoes (just because of how very badly they hurt), but I suspect that sometime after Zeke is born, I will want to test just how sensitive I am to tomatoes again. I might miss tomatoes the most.


Sister-man said...

after no caffeine whatsoever for two months, i accidently drank tea at a restaurant and felt like i had the flu for a couple days

kendra said...

wow, you've already been caffeine free for two months, that's awesome! isn't it crazy though, how once your body is free of its "toxins," introducing it back in causes your body to freak out? I feel like I have the flu if I accidentally have corn. It's nutso-crazy.