July 02, 2008

on moving apartments

So we move later this month, to an apartment complex in Decatur. The past couple weeks we started looking at Decatur townhomes to buy, in case we found something we loved at a good price that we wanted to jump on instead of doing another year in an apartment. It was kind of nervewracking. We did find a place we loved and couldn't afford, and another place we liked but didn't think was worth what the seller wanted. But with all of that said, it was a great learning experience and we're feeling pretty content to rent for another year (in a different apartment where I can walk to the grocery store and will be closer to the Dekalb Farmer's Market) and watch the housing market until we find a place that meets all our requirements, including price.

The scary thing is that we haven't started packing. It's gonna be a bit nuts.

And that's what's up with our world.

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