October 28, 2007

Savannah Film Festival ... 2007

Chris and I are spending a couple days back in the SAV for the Savannah Film Festival. We're not showing a film here this year, but it's such a fun festival that when we were able to score some passes, we decided we had to go. (Our friend at Short End Magazine has Chris taking photos for her, so he has a media pass. And my boss's boyfriend works for SCAD now, so he managed to get a pass for me, cuz he's awesome). And Angela has an apartment here for a couple more days, so we're crashing on her floor just a block from The Bean. We've got some other friends in town for the festival, one of whom is a producer for Honeydripper, which is showing Monday (and its director, John Sayles is being honored with a lifetime achievement award). So it should all be good times, for the couple of days that we're here. Chris will spend the days photographing and watching films, and I'll spend the days working on my computer at the Bean. Then in the evenings we'll enjoy the films and the after parties. Fun Fun!

So anyways, the funny things for my weekend are how my brain has apparently predicted too many of the events of the weekend before they happened. This isn't something that usually happens to me, so I'm wondering if something is "up" for the weekend that I should keep my eyes out for. For instance, last year I told Chris that I expected Michael Douglass to be at SFF, which he was not, of course. But he WAS here this year, and was honored last night. So I was just a year off in my prediction. That's pretty random in itself, but I also had a dream a couple weeks ago where I was in Savannah right before Angela was supposed to move out (did I mention she's moving out in the middle of the week? When I had this dream not only did we not know when she was leaving, but I also had no intention of coming down for the festival). Anyways, we were staying at her house, and it was pretty empty because it was falling apart and people were moving things out, and some guy took the door handle off the door and we were pretty ticked off about it because that meant that anyone could get into the house. Some guy was also dismantling the roof and it was about to rain. I was telling Angela that she NEEDED to leave, her apartment was being taken apart, it was obviously time to go, but she was putting it off and saying she needed to stay a few more days. I thought it was all a big metaphor for the fact that Angela is afraid to leave what she knows even if what she knows is falling apart. And while sure, I'm sure a lot of it was a metaphor, but here I am, and her apartment is basically empty except for the carload of stuff she's taking with her, and this morning a woman at Home Depot ruined her only key into her apartment while trying to make a dupe, so she had to call a locksmith who had to take the handle off the door in order to make her a new key. Pretty strange! Angela told me that if a tree falls through her roof she's going to totally blame me (in my dream there was also part of a tree int he apartment, so I am guessing that's why they were dismantling the roof). Crazy stuff. So I'm trying to stay on guard in case anything else happens that seems eerily familiar.

But for now I'm gonna try and be productive and hope my computer doesn't overheat (it's been doing that a lot lately. It's about time for a visit to the apple store for a tune-up).

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