October 28, 2007

life ...

I keep meaning to take the time to post about a bunch of stuff... I've forgotten most of what I actually planned to post about... I've got some photos of some crochet stuff I've made, and my parents came to visit recently, and... oh, who knows what else. But I've been really busy with lots and lots of work and so I've felt guilty even thinking about taking 20 minutes to post a blog so I just haven't been. But now I'm at a coffee shop in Savannah and I already spent two hours chatting with old friends when I was supposed to be working, so what's another 20 minutes? That's what I figure.

Anyways, Atlanta is good, work is good, but I'm too busy. I don't get to rest enough, and when I do rest because I'm exhausted I feel guilty because I have work to do. It's because i have a full time job and a part-time job and so those come first, but then I also have freelance work. So after all of those I don't have the time to work out and crochet and hang out with friends like normal people. Or if I do any of those things I, again, feel guilty. I keep thinking I'll get things under control and stop feeling so overworked but... yeah, that hasn't happened yet, so I don't know why I think it would start. Anyways.

I have actual stories but I'm going to post that in another blog post so it looks like i've actually been devoting time to this stuff.

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