May 22, 2007

What, no GoLive? What a surprise...

A year or so ago, my husband and one of my best friends were both taking a web design class at SCAD. They were being forced to use Adobe GoLive in this class, although it is TERRIBLE web design software (and this is coming from an Adobe girl). I complained about it and mentioned they should be learning Dreamweaver. They said "Well, Adobe bought out Macromedia, so our teacher said that Dreamweaver will be discontinued, so we have to learn GoLive." I insisted that this was ridiculous, Dreamweaver is the industry standard, and there's no WAY Adobe would trash it. They insisted that their teacher is WAY smart (he has a degree from HARVARD, after all) and WAY cool, and of course since I'm not a Harvard grad, nor do I take pictures of deer antlers covered in icing, I must not know what I'm talking about. In their defense, the Kendra-bashing did not actually happen, but in my mind it may as well have, since they were so enamored with their teacher and his GoLive-loving ways. And don't even get me STARTED on how his OWN website is all images and in no way optimized for search engines to even FIND HIM. Some web teacher.

Well, ladies and gents, you know what's coming. The new Adobe Creative Suite 3 Design Premium comes packaged with none other than Dreamweaver, NOT GoLive. GoLive has, in fact, been discontinued from the Creative Suite. Although this victory matters to no one but myself, I still take great pride in knowing What's Up. I am The Nerdiest.


LeaningAnimal said...

hahahhahahha. yeah, we all knew it was inevitable -- even those of us infatuated with a certain professor (he is just an amazing teacher). speaking of whom i was JUST looking at his website the other night and it is terribly designed. not surprisingly my personal vision teacher's is equally as terrible. which brings me to the question why do we need to learn how to design a website if we are photographers? research shows: most photography websites suck. because the photographers design them themselves. they should enlist help from graphic designers. like kendra here. but that aside, we should have a moment of silence for the worst web designing program ever. may it rest in peace

LeaningAnimal said...

oh yeah, kendra i almost forgot. high five.

chris said...

i happen to like antlers coverd in icing thank you very much.

Chris Converse said...

i coudn't disagree more. i have been using dreamweaver and golive for many years, and dreamweaver is nothing more than a glorified text editor.

in addition to smartobjects, variable text driven graphic creation from photoshop, swf/animated text creation form illustrator smartobjects, pdf page placement and rendering to web formats, a pdf page creation tool (converting css level 2 to true pdf-object oriented pdff files)...

golive is still the only visual smil, mms and quicktime editor onthe market... in addition to it's far superior css handling and authoring.

people who trash golive have no idea how to use it...

dreamweaver is the second-best web tool on the planet... but adobe did done better before the acquisition

chris converse