May 01, 2007

back, but not for long

We got back from Atlanta late Sunday night. Had all day Monday to catch up on some stuff at home. Off to work Tues/Wed, and the cycle continues again. I finally pulled out my PDA and counted how many days I've actually been home in the past few months.
Here's the tally:

  • March: 17 days outta 31

  • April: 12 days outta 30

  • May: (tentative) 12 days outta 31 (but that might decrease).

Luckily we have an awesome friend to check out mail and hang out in our house when we're gone, water our plants & keep our internet company. But MAN, that air mattress doesn't suit my neck so well.

Anyways, I'm still waiting for the rest of the pieces to be put together to figure out what we're doing with ourselves after June... When I know something I will share.

1 comment:

LeaningAnimal said...

geez you guys sure do get around