June 06, 2006


Well, last Thursday was the end of Chris's spring quarter at SCAD. A couple weeks from now he begins his final quarter, and by September he'll be done with SCAD. This past quarter was especially wearing on him, so we took this liberty this past weekend of being completely lazy bums, watching 22 saved episodes of the TV show 24 in just 3 days. We can never handle watching this particular show one week at a time, so we've been saving them up all season to have a marathon, and this weekend was the time. Now, before you go crazy thinking that we watched 22 hours of TV, I do want to remind you that without commercials and the "Previously on" that begins each episode, they're actually only 40 minutes long, so we only watched about 15 hours of TV over 3 days... not really that unreasonable, considering it was our lazy rest-up weekend. And boy, did we need it.

Now I'm back to work and everything is back to normal for me, and Chris gets to spend the next couple of weeks cleaning, organizing, and doing the millions of things he's been putting off since he's been too busy with school. I love this time because the apartment actually starts looking neater (I'm not allowed to touch his piles of stuff because I won't know where they go, so I have to be patient until these times when he's ready to clean them up).

So life has been pretty uneventful, although busy with work and other normal life stuff. Nothing much else to tell.

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