June 20, 2006

busy bee

Well, I have a couple of weeks off of teaching, just working for GTA for the next couple of weeks. It's nice to have a couple weeks where I don't have to go out of town, either for work or for anything else (now that Wedding Season is taking a pause). Don't get me wrong, I had a blast going down to Gainesville for weddings and getting to see friends, but I am happy to have some time at home without rushing off. I get to recoup a little before our two consecutive weekends in Cleveland this July.

I have been keeping busy at home, though. With the movie premiere coming up, we've been doing some filming to fill in some gaps, and I've been working on some animation segments, as well as some DVD menu designs. It's going pretty well, and I'm having fun doing it, but it means I've been staring at the computer screen way too much.

I've also been reading about food issues, since my food allergies have been getting really bad, and am trying to get myself on a low-chemical diet... ya know, eating food not filled with hormones and pesticides and preservatives. For one thing, I'm allergic to at least one preservative, and for another, the growth hormones in the meat we eat doesn't stop acting like a growth hormone when it transfers from the cow's body to ours. So for the next two weeks, along with trying to eat mostly organic, I have to abstain from alcohol and caffeine... I figured a time when I'll be home for a couple weeks is the best time to go through that. Excitement.

So as an experiment, I'm trying to make my own sprouted bread. I have a feeling I'm in for disaster, but I got a recipe and I'm sprouting a bunch of seeds and beans, and then I have to grind them up into flour and make bread outta them in a couple days. I'll let you know how that goes.

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