May 11, 2009

cowboy booties

Since our lives are basically All Zeke All The Time right now (and my life is basically Nursing Zeke All The Time), pretty much any updates for a while will be on the baby blog, so I'll probably be pretty lax on the updates here. (And since it's hard to blog while nursing, at least right now, most updates will be made by Chris).

But I did want to post a photo of the baby booties I made for Zeke. I started them on Saturday, April 25th, and finished them while in labor in the middle of the night, right before I woke Chris up to help me with contractions Sunday morning. So they have a pretty special place in my heart now.

Zeke wore them on his first restaurant outing, to Ted's Montana Grill on Saturday night. We went with my parents, for Chris's 30th birthday. He was rather stylin.

(the t-shirt was hand-embroidered by Chris's sister, Emily. It's the first onesie we put on him once his umbilical cord fell off Saturday morning).


LadyBug said...

Where did you get the pattern for the boots?! They are adorable!

kendra said...

The pattern is from this Baby Bootie Boutique book a friend lent me.

Tracey Adams said...

Loving these! You are talented! Working on Henry a sweater. By the time I finish it, he will be in kindergarten! I'm a slow knitter!

kendra said...

Thanks, Tracey! I'm not good with making big things like sweaters because I don't have the patience for it. I made a sweater for myself once and not only did it take MONTHS, but then it didn't fit well so I never wore it. So I stick to small things, like hats and booties and cozies and stuff (purses take forever too and that's the largest stuff I will do right now). I prefer the more instant gratification. :-)