April 10, 2009

march finance update

So since I talked last month about how Chris and I were doing with being better stewards of our money, I thought I should keep it up and give a report on March. I won't be as long-winded, though.

Basically, we didn't manage to stay under budget, but we came really close. Chris had to get some cavities filled, so that was an unexpected expense, but the upside is that he walked in the door from his dentist appointment with both his bill in hand, and the mail - and in the mail was a check for freelance work I'd done the month before, for very close to the amount that the dentist bill came to. It was kind of depressing for me that I had done that extra work just to see the money flow right back out, but at least we had it! God is good. We went about $12 over our food budget, which isn't too bad considering we had people over to eat 5 or 6 times, including Pi Day, featuring fancy things like gluten-free pi(e)s and homemade frozen yogurt. And Chris had to go out of town for a weekend for a wedding, and we still only spent about $20 all month on eating out.

So there you have it.

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