November 16, 2008

San Francisco!

Last weekend Chris and I had our "last hoorah," a vacation just for the sake of a vacation without any worries of childcare. We decided to take a trip to San Francisco - a city I love but haven't been to in 10 years, and Chris had never been. Chris was also always dismayed to say he'd never been to California, so we were able to mark that one off his "to do" list for a while.

Our friend Chip and his wife Bethy live right in downtown SF, and they were awesome hosts, letting us crash with them and actually taking the time to take us around town. We walked a LOT, rode lots of public transportation (subway, busses, trolleys, and cable cars) and had a very good time. Some of the highlights:

Lombard Street

Gotta love the sea lions

Does anyone know what this is? We couldn't figure it out, and we were standing on it.

The Bluebottle Cafe made this crazy "syphon coffee" that took forever but looked awesome. We just got normal coffee, because syphon coffee was too pricey. But we enjoyed watching them make it.

And the obligatory pics of me and Chris

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