April 12, 2008


So it's been a while since I've posted; there's been a lot going on. The quick update is that I had to get a root canal and I might be intolerant to gluten (that would be wheat)... and the only way to find out about the gluten is with a really strict awful diet, where I'm also trying to figure out if i'm intolerant to other foods as well (I'm currently wondering about potatoes and/or corn). It's making my really cranky right now because I really just want starches, but starches are what seem to be making me feel awful. So it will be a new rollercoaster of foods I can't eat, and avoiding restaurants until this is all solved. We love eating out so that's making this really hard as well. But on the plus side we'll probably save money on food! (Which is very necessary after the aforementioned root canal!).

I also just got a new computer because Chris's old one is about dead, so I gave him my old one and traded up. ::drools for the new macbook pro::

So with all this madness I haven't been in a crafty mood, or a reading mood, more anything fun like that. And until the new computer came I have been cutting down on my web surfing time, so that also contributes to the non-posting of blogs. And that's the update.

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