March 14, 2008

Pi day!

It's my favorite math-alicious day again, and I almost MISSED it. Luckily some random website tipped me off. So I went out looking for pi-themed crochet, and I discovered that last year's post about pi day is in google's top 10 list for a search of pi day crochet ... go figure. I'm a nerd. (For those of you who have no idea what Pi Day is, including all my coworkers, here's the wikipedia page to explain it all.)

In honor of the day, here are a couple of pi-themed crochet things I found:

Transcendental Number as Personal Chronogram (Pi)

And a little less high art: the Pi Calculator Case
pi calculator case

Happy Pi Day!

Deer, side view

Chris posted a photo of the deer I needle-felted him for Valentine's day, but he never posted a side-view, which I like better. So here is a side view of my first completed needle-felting project. (If you can't tell, I'm playing catch-up with posts this morning.

I've been really slack with crochet projects lately. I still need to finish that sweater, and I made a baby blanket for a friend at work, but I don't really have any fun new projects to post. Hopefully I'll get some time to work on some of the stuff floating around in my head soon.

Nora's Dragon

I posted this to my Flickr account a while back, but kept forgetting to post it here as well. This is the dragon I made for my friend Nora as a belated Christmas present (I think I managed to finish it right before the end of January).

I was inspired by this slightly fierce but friendly really dragon, but I wanted to come up with my own design. The first time around the face was more of an alligator's face, so I made my dad a gator for Christmas (but forgot to take a picture, alas).